Friday, December 2, 2011

Item #7: Club Nintendo Mario Pin "A"

Today's post is for this original Mario pin badge from Club Nintendo. This design along with 3 others were offered by Club Nintendo for Mario's 25th Anniversary. This particular one is arguably the most popular of the 4 pins that were on offer since it was the first to sell out. I'm not sure of the exact time frame but it was definitely sold out within 48 hours of it becoming available. Lucky for me, it was the design that appealed to me the most so I scooped this one up first (I later went one to grab 2 more. I still don't have that last one...quite sad). When the pins came out, they went for a whopping 450 coins a pop. That equates to roughly 400-450 dollars spent on Nintendo products (Something I don't seem to have a problem with very often).

Sadly for anyone looking to get this pin, they are no longer available through Club Nintendo. Once they were sold out, they were not replaced. Since this was the first of the four to sell out, it also tends to fetch the highest amount of money. I've seen one go for as high as 95 bucks! Luckily, their pricing has since become a bit more sedate. You can find one of this variety for 50-70 dollars depending on condition. The other three pins can be found at more reasonable prices between 15 and 35 dollars.

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