Sunday, December 4, 2011

Item #9: PAX Kid Icarus AR Cards

Today I'm featuring an item that just recently came into my collection, my set of 3 Kid Icarus: Uprising AR cards from PAX 2011. Kid Icarus: Uprising is a game coming from Nintendo for the 3DS in early 2011. The game features an AR card battle mode type of thing where characters from the various cards fight it out in real life. These are 3 cards that will be usable in this mode however they are just a little different than what Nintendo will be selling when the game actually launches. These cards specifically have "PAX" printed on the back, noting their special status. These were given away at the show by Nintendo for free to atendees.

Fortunately for anyone wanting to grab these cards, they aren't hard to track down. At least, not yet. On ebay you can grab one pretty easily for 10-15 dollars in the sealed condition you see here. If you do want them though, then I would move on it because although they aren't hard to come by now, this is the kind of thing that might become more rare in the future, especially when the retail versions of these cards come out.

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